
Our seminars/reading groups usually take place Wednesdays at 11am. 

For this year they are organized by Clementin Boittiaux and Raphael Baena.

If you are interested in presenting your work, please contact us [1, 2].


September 18th | Marta LópezArijit Ghosh, Abhishek Kuriyal (IMAGINE) and Lucas Degeorge  (IMAGINE & VISTA) : Intern Project

September 11th | Armand Lacombe (Direction Générale des Entreprises) : AI act


September 28th | Zorah Lähner (University of Siegen) : Permutations in Neural Networks and Quantum Annealing

September 20th | Intern projects: Hongyu Zhou, Constantin Aronssohn, and Shiyao Li

September 13th | Juliette Bertrand (Recent collaboration with CTU Prague and NaverLabs Europe) : Limited Data Challenges in Video Understanding

September 6th | Nicolas Dufour, Lucas Ventura, Georgy Ponimatkin and Mathis Petrovich (Imagine) : Tutorial session on Language Models

May 30th | Maxime Oquab (MetaAI) : DINOv2 – Learning Robust Visual Features without Supervision

May 24th | Thomas Capelle (W&B) : Using video demonstrations as guidance for robot learning | Hands-On

May 24th | Kateryna Zorina (CTU) : Using video demonstrations as guidance for robot learning

May 17th | Alaaeldin El-Nouby (MetaAI) : Bringing the power of Transformers to Computer Vision

April 26th | Antoine Guédon (Imagine) : Automated 3D reconstruction of large structures with scalable deep learning strategies

April 26th | Roberto Dessì (UPF, MetaAI) : Cross-Domain Image Captioning with Discriminative Finetuning

April 19th | Frédéric Jurie (ENSICAEN) :  Adversarial Counterfactual Visual Explanations

April 12th | Nicolas Dufour (IMAGINE) : Recent advances in diffusion models

April 5th | Bülent Sarıyıldız (NAVER,THOTH) : Learning and evaluating visual representations for transfer learning

March 29th | Emre Akbas (METU) : Imbalance in object detection and ranking-based loss functions to the rescue

March 20th | Efstratios Gavves (UvA) : Computer Vision 3.0: Learning Invariances of Dynamics, Causality, Geometry, and Physics towards a Theory of Foundational and Embodied AI

March 15th | Raoul de Charette (INRIA) : Video, Language, Physics: Computer vision with other means of supervision

March 1st | Georg Martius (MPI) : Towards Model-Based Reinforcement Learning on Real Robots

February 22th | Thomas Müller (NVIDIA) : Instant NGP: Neural Networks in High Performance Graphics

February 15th | Hugo Touvron (FAIR) : Architectures and Training for Visual Understanding

February 8th | Denis Coquenet (CNAM) : Towards End-to-end Handwritten Document Recognition

January 25th | Ruben Villegas (Google Brain) : Visual storytelling with generative models of video.

January 18th | Jurgen Gall (University of Bonn) : Efficient CNNs and Transformers for Video Understanding and Image Synthesis

January 11th | Bill Peebles (BAIR) : Scalable Generative Modeling with Transformers and Diffusion


December 7th | Shizhe Chen (Willow, Inria Paris) : Vision-and-Language Navigation

November 30th | Fatma Guney (Koç University) : Efficient Multi-Agent Trajectory Prediction and Unknown Object Segmentation

November 16th | Veronica Belmega (LIGM) : Handling anxiety when speaking in public.

November 2nd | Georgia Gkioxari (FAIR) : From 2D to 3D Visual Recognition: New Benchmarks, Models and Methods for 3D in the Wild

October 19th | Bernard Ghanem (KAUST) : Beyond Temporal Activity Localization (TAL) in Untrimmed Video

October 12th | Intern Day

September 28th | Yannis Siglidis : Diffusion 101

September 15th | Alyosha Efros (BAIR): TBA

September 21st | Robin Rombach (Heidelberg University, LMU Munich) : High-Resolution Image Synthesis via Two-Stage Generative Models

July 20th | Mathilde Caron (Google) : Self-Supervised Vision Transformers

July 13th | CVPR highlights

July 6th | Jean-Baptiste Alayrac (DeepMind) : Flamingo: a Visual Language Model for Few-Shot Learning

June 29nd | Antonín Vobecký (Czech Technical University) : Drive&Segment: Unsupervised Semantic Segmentation of Urban Scenes via Cross-modal Distillation

June 15th | Damien Robert (ENGIE Lab, Univ. Gustave Eiffel, IGN-ENSG) : Deep View Aggregation in the Wild

June 8th | Sagar Vaze (VGG) : Learning From Images in an Open World

May. 25th | Vincent Lepetit : How to write a research paper

May. 18th | Yangtao Wang (Université Grenoble Alpes): Self-Supervised Transformers for Unsupervised Object Discovery using Normalized Cut

May. 10th | Katerina Fragkiadaki (Carnegie Mellon University): Modular 3D neural scene representations for visuomotor control and language grounding

May. 4th | Elena Sizikova (NYU): Learning with Incomplete Supervision in Imaging Applications

Apr. 27th | Nanne van Noord (University of Amsterdam): Interdisciplinarity, Computer Vision, and Visual Culture

Apr. 20th | Nicolas Dufour : Perceiver papers presentation

Apr. 13th | Liliane Momeni (University of Oxford) : Computer Vision for Sign Language

March. 30th | Dmitriy Smirnov (MIT) : Deep Learning on Geometry Representations

March. 16th | Nermin Samet : Integrating near and long-range evidence for visual detection

March. 9th | Dimitris Tsipras (Stanford University): Controlling model behavior beyond the training data

Feb. 23rd | Fivos Kalogiannis (National Technical University of Athens): Min-max optimization in two-team zero-sum games
Rahima Djahel: A 3D Segments Based Algortihm For Heterogeneous Data Registration – Detecting Openings To Improve Indoor/Outdoor Registration

Feb. 16th | Stéphane Lathuilière (Télécom Paris): Self-Supervised Representation Learning for Video Generation

Feb. 9th | ECCV submission

Jan. 26th | Oriane Simeoni (Valeo.ia): Localizing Objects with Self-Supervised Transformers and no Labels

Jan. 19th | Thomas Belos: MOD SLAM: Mixed Method for a More Robust SLAM Without Loop Closing

                       Amanda Duarte: Sign Language Video Retrieval with Free-Form Textual Queries

Jan. 12th | Diogo Luvizon (Max Planck Institute): Novel view synthesis from a single image through multiplane image representation

Jan. 5th | Thibaut Issenhuth and Nicolas Dufour: Tutorial on GAN and Latent reweighting, an almost free improvement for GANs


Dec. 14th | Pierre Alliez (INRIA): Progressive Discrete Domains for Implicit Surface Reconstruction

Dec. 8th | Emanuele Dalsasso (Télécom Paris):  As if by magic: self-supervised training of deep despeckling networks with MERLIN

                     Arthur Oukanine (Télécom Paris and Multi-View Radar Semantic Segmentation

Dec. 1st | Van Huy Vo (Ecole Normale Superieure, INRIA and – Unsupervised Object Discovery

Nov. 24th | Yannis Kalantidis (NaverLabs): Measuring and Improving the Generalization of Self-supervised Learning

Nov. 17th |

Nov. 10th | CVPR submission 2

Nov. 3rd | Yuming Du : Brief overview of deep learning based object detection/segmentation & Presentation of Champion Methods for UVO Challenges

Oct. 27th | ICCV 2021 highlights 2

Oct. 20th | ICCV 2021 highlights

Oct. 13th | CVPR submission

Oct. 6th | Intern projects : Nicolas Dufour, Georgy Ponimatkin and Yannis Siglidis

Sep. 29th | Francesc Moreno-Noguer (Institut de Robòtica i Informàtica Industrial): Deep Human Modeling from Single Images

Sep. 20th | Pascal Fua (EPFL): Deep Surface Meshes

Sep. 15th Vicky Kalogeiton (École Polytechnique): Towards a moving word: The who, what and with whom for video understanding

Sep. 8th | Vivien Sainte-Fare-Garnot (IGN): Panoptic Segmentation of Satellite Image Time Series with Convolutional Temporal Attention Networks

Sep. 1st | Mathis Petrovich: Tutorial on Humans modeling, estimation and generation

Jul. 28th | Simon Roburin: Spherical Perspective on Learning with Batch Normalization and

                      Philippe Chiberre: Detecting Stable Keypoints from Events through Image Gradient Prediction

Jul. 21st | CVPR highlights (part 2)

Jul. 15th | CVPR highlights (part 1)

Jul. 7th | Jia-Bin Huang (University of Maryland): Learning to See the 3D world

Jun. 30th | Yasu Furukawa (Simon Fraser University): Teaching Computers to Design Architecture

Jun. 23rdRahima Djahel: Towards Efficient Indoor/Outdoor Registration Using Planar Polygons

Jun. 16th | Welcome seminar

Jun. 9th | Nicolas Gonthier: Convolutional Neural Networks for Art Analysis

Jun. 2nd | Yuki Asano (VGG Oxford University): Self-supervised Learning from Images, Videos, Audio and Text to Representations and Beyond

May. 12th | Victor Besnier: Uncertainty in neural networks

May. 5th | Tutorial on encoders (part 2)

Apr. 28th | Yana Hasson (INRIA): Hand-object reconstruction

Apr. 21st | Tutorial on encoders (part 1)

Apr. 14th | Yann Labbé (Inria)

Apr. 7th | Max Bain, Vincent Lepetit, Van-Nguyen Nguyen

March. 31st | Romain Loiseau: 3D point transformers

March. 3rd | ICCV submissions (part 2) Mathis Petrovich

Feb. 24th | ICCV submissions (part 1)

Feb. 17th | Siyu Tang (ETH Zurich)

Feb. 10th | Zan Gojcic (ETH Zurich): PREDATOR: Registration of 3D Point Clouds with Low Overlap and Weakly Supervised Learning of Rigid 3D Scene Flow

Feb. 3rd | Ahmet Iscen (Google): Memory-Efficient Incremental Learning Through Feature Adaptation

Jan. 27th | Pierre Jacob, Mathis Petrovich and Othman Sbai: Tutorial on Transformers

Jan. 13th | NeurIPS highlights (part 2)

Jan. 6th | NeurIPS highlights (part 1)


Dec. 16th | Nerf

Dec. 9th | Pierre Jacob and Xi Chen: Metric learning

Dec. 2nd Shangzhe Wu (VGG): Unsupervised Learning of Probably Symmetric Deformable 3D Objects from Images in the Wild

Nov. 25th | Muxingzi Li: Approximating shapes in images with low-complexity polygons

Oct. 28th | Tolga Birdal (Stanford)

Oct. 21st | CVPR submissions

Oct. 14th | l Varol: Scaling up sign language recognition

Oct. 7th | Tom Monnier and Elliot

Sep. 23rd | Interns project presentations

Sep. 16th | Helisa Dhamo: Layered Depth Images and Scene Graphs

Sep. 9th | ECCV highlights

Sep. 2nd | Sergey Zakharov

March. 11th | Francois Darmon and Hugo Germain

March. 4th | Thomas Belos: An introduction to Simultaneous Localization and Mapping

Feb. 12th | ECCV submissions

Jan. 30th | Elmar Mair (Google X)

Jan. 29th | Francisco Massa (FAIR)

Jan. 22nd | Jan Bednařík (CVLab): Shape Reconstruction by Learning Differentiable Surface Representation

Jan. 15th | Spyros Gidaris (ValeoAI): Few-Shot Learning

Jan. 8th | Loic Landrieu (IGN) 


Dec. 18th | Jan Bednařík (CVLab): Shape Reconstruction by Learning Differentiable Surface Representation

Dec. 18th | Yongchao Xu: Learning the relationship between neighboring pixels for some vision tasks

Dec. 10th | Raphael Groscot: 3D Deep Learning

Dec. 4th | Tom Monnier: Deep Segmentation Overview

Nov. 18th | ICCV highlights

Oct. 23rd | CVPR submissions : Yuming Du – Pierre-Alain Langlois – Othman Sbai – Xi Shen – Michaël Ramamonjisoa 

Oct. 16th | Shell Xu Hu and Francois Darmon

Oct. 11th | Antoine Labatie (Graphcore)

Oct. 2nd | Bryan Russell (Adobe)

Sept. 26th | Xi Shen, Yang Xia: Domain Adaptation

May. 9th | Jean Feydy (ENS Cachan): Robust shape matching with Optimal Transport

May. 6th | Xi Shen

Apr. 25th | Othman Sbai, Oumayma Bounou: StyleGAN

Apr. 19th | Emilie Chouzenoux (UMLV-CentraleSupélec): Deep Unfolding of a Proximal Interior Point Method for Image Restoration

Apr. 15th | Ignacio Rocco (INRIA-WILLOW): Neighbourhoud Consensus Networks

Apr. 12th | Simon Roburin: Regularity of Neural Networks

Mar. 25th | Guillaume Charpiat (Inria-TAU – LRI): Deep Learning for Satellite Imagery

Mar. 18th | ICCV submissions

Mar. 11th | David Picard (ENSEA)

Mar. 4th   | Corentin Tallec (Inria TAU-LRI): Reinforcement learning

Feb. 27th | Edouard Oyallon (CentraleSupélec): Layerwise learning

Feb. 25th | ICCV plans

Feb. 18th | Xuchong Qiu: Object pose estimation

Feb. 11th | Shell Hu, François Darmon: Bayesian deep learning

Feb. 4th   | Gül Varol (Inria Willow): BodyNet – volumetric inference of 3D human body shapes in videos

Jan. 28th | Xuchong Qiu, Yang Xiao: Visual servoing & RL overview

Jan. 21st | Xi Shen: Low shot learning

Jan. 14th | Robin Champenois: Text generation

Jan. 7th   | Thibault Groueix, Pierre-Alain Langlois: Solving earth mover’s distance (EMD)


Dec. 20th | Pierre-Alain, Benjamin Dubois: Causality (and beyond)

Nov. 5th   | CVPR plans 2

Oct. 29th | CVPR plans 1

Oct. 22nd | Adrien Kaiser (Telecom Paris): A survey of simple geometric primitives detection methods for captured 3D data

Oct. 15th | David Fouhey (UC Berkeley)

Oct. 8th   | Théo Deprelle: GroupNorm, InstanceNorm, LayerNorm, BatchNorm…

Oct. 1st   | Leman Feng: Curved optimal Delaunay triangulation

Sep. 17th | Othman Sbaï, Thibault Groueix, Théo Deprelle: ECCV highlightsth

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